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Donnerstag, 22. April 2010

Bestätigung ED-Media 2010

It worked! Mit drei Beiträgen auf der ED-Media 2010 vertreten. Gerade die Bestätigungen bekommen. Ich poste einfach mal die Titel und Abstracts, bei Interesse (Paper) einfach anschreiben, ich kann dann eine Vorversion schicken. Welche für den Proceedings aber auf jeden Fall noch überarbeitet werden muss; waren gute Kommentare der Reviewer dabei.

Full Paper: Google Wave: Unnecessary Hype or Promising Tool for Teachers (mit Karyn Holt, Dirk Reiß)

There is not one day without a new interesting service popping up on the Web 2.0 sphere, which could not be integrated into the virtual classroom. Obviously, some applications will get more attention than others because of branding, and Google is no exception with its rich portfolio. Starting with search and its collection of the worlds’ knowledge, Google added different applications each with its own focus but well integrated in the existing suite. Besides continuously updating the feature set, they also created various new products in 2009 like Chrome (OS), Android, Goggle, and Wave. Even though each one in its own is worth exploring, the scope of this presentation will solely be Google Wave: interface, components, basic functionality, and relation to other Google applications will be addressed. Exploration extends further to answer questions like (1) is it worth a look, (2) do we need Google Wave in education, and (3) will it replace traditional communication?

Poster: Simulation of Workplace Harassment in 3D Worlds (mit Jette Sponholz, Eike Born)

Role play with avatars is a rather common application for virtual worlds. Using avatars allows an immersive experience for the user and a better identification with the anticipated role; i.e. in comparison to reality where acting in front of the class might humiliate the student. Here, we looked at workplace harassment and how we could achieve a first awareness for employee; i.e. if they are afraid of overreacting and embarrassing themselves. The simulator does not intend to replace any other forms of handling workplace harassment but increasing the awareness. The participant has to go through an office while wearing special outfits. At different locations, the avatar is confronted with reactions from colleagues which have to be rated as negative, neutral, or positive in relation to the scenario. The later assessment is evaluated and explained with respect to the expected behavior: the participant might realize where workplace harassment can start and how to handle certain situations.
Tutorial: Google Waves in the Classroom: Where to start, what to do, how to extend?

Sorry, kein Abstract an dieser Stelle. Zu lang :-)

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